Gillian Stevens Music Funtime

Gillian has an honours degree in Music from york University and a performers LRAM. She is also a state registered music therapist. 

She has been teaching since she was ten years old and gave lessons to the babysitter! Teaching is a very important part of her life and she loves every aspect of it.She has developed her own method and style over the years, but has had some training in Suzuki method and the Colourstrings approach and draws on aspects of these especially when starting young children.

Currently apart from giving individual lessons on cello and viola da gamba to people from 5 years old to 70 years old, she is running a monthly ensemble group for adult cellists and another for young cellists.

She also runs two groups a week for little ones from 4 months to 4 years old, with their carers. They take place at 10.00 and 2.00 on Wednesday in term time. 

I use live music played by myself on piano or cello. The tone of the group is gentle and focused on the children and encouraging parental involvement and play. It is based on the premise that developing musical skills helps a child develop in all areas.We use songs, instruments, toys, musical activities and movement to encourage listening, awareness of others and interaction through play. During the music time the focus is on the children. Afterwards there’s time for adult talking and catching up while the children play together freely.

A typical session starts with a hello song followed by some turn-taking action songs. Then some activities to learn rhythms and simple solfa. Then there is a dance/ movement time encouraging listening and awareness. The children sit down next, to play the instruments, accompanied by piano and there may be time for some more songs too. I finish with a quiet cuddling time while I play cello. Most of the parents want this time to last as long as possible!